Wednesday, April 30, 2008

    Amira caught herself. “ But you must leave the city! We will find some appropriate clothes for you then follow me to the Bazaar. I have a shop there.”
   After we changed clothes, she led us out of the apartment and into the street. “The first thing that the plotters had to do was find a puppet thug in the army. Always the puppet thug, yes, Conrad? His name was Fazlollah Zahedi, a fascist who had been arrested by the British during the war for his pro-Nazi intrigues. When the CIA and Kermit Roosevelt gave him a hundred thousand dollars with the promise of five million more, he was hooked. Schwarzkopf stepped up to dangle the proposition of an imperial monarchy in front of the Shah’s nose, but he needed more than just bait. The Shah was such a coward that it seemed no amount of reassurance that the Americans and the British would be successful could convince him. Schwarzkopf found himself in the middle of a room under a table with the Shah working out the details because the Shah was afraid the room was bugged. Kermit Roosevelt then gave the Mighty Wurlitzer its first run. I’m sure you’ve heard of the Mighty Wurlitzer, Oliver.”
   “I’ve seen it.”, I said quietly as Claudia’s face flashed before my eyes.
   Amira smiled. “Radio stations and newspapers were bought off to spew anti Mossadegh propaganda. CIA agents posing as communists threatened religious leaders with mayhem if they didn’t back Mossadegh, thereby setting the two against each other and both against Mossadegh.”
   We rounded a corner to face an impressive mosque. The theocracy had raised its ugly head. I instinctively took Conrad's arm and pulled him close.

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