Saturday, August 30, 2008

   A mob of pulsating forms rose up in front of us. They looked like hanging tripe with teeth, like worn out neon signs over a liquor store in a ghetto, like the jittery forms in a drop of swamp water under a microscope. “Behold the Mighty Wurlitzer!”, said a mummy, its voice thick with fear. “With this, The CIA and its corporate masters poison the world.”
   Another mummy joined in. “When the CIA wants to overthrow a government, the Mighty Wurlitzer is the beginning, the middle and the end. The airwaves are taken over, the newspapers bought and the Mighty Wurlitzer spreads its lies. The population is divided and turned against itself, rightists against leftists, communists against the military and the oligarchy. The CIA assassinates a general and the organs of the Mighty Wurlitzer report that he has been castrated and cannibalized by communists. Lists of thousands of the innocents to be sacrificed are provided and the bloodlust begins.”
   The dancing images moved closer as if they could see us in the shimmering light. A humming sound, quiet at first grew louder. The forms within forms spun faster. The lights within lights winked and sputtered and smoked.
   The mummies spoke together now, chanting like a Greek chorus. “You have seen what the Mighty Wurlitzer has done to the people of South America, but the main target of this poisonous machine is you, Oliver, you and the American people. The boisterous dialogue of your people has been turned into a petty cat fight, right against left, blue collar against white, black against brown against white against yellow, gay against straight, catholic against protestant against Muslim against Jew. While you bicker and squabble -”

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