Sunday, November 2, 2008

   As we flew into the clouds leaving my nightmare behind, one of the dogs said, “It’s time to put things in perspective. All of this pestilence didn’t burst its ugly boil overnight. It’s been festering for a long time.”
   The clouds parted over a desert. The dogs dropped me in front of some god-awful sphinx wannabe wearing an oversized pair of horn-rimmed glasses. “Let’s start with the Doctor. It’s been at the center of every power grab since Rockefeller put a leash on Nixon and handed it to him. This is the only Nobel Peace Prize laureate that’s wanted by the authorities all over the world. It’s wanted by the French for it's role in Operation Condor, by the Spanish and the Chileans for the CIA coup in Chile and by the Indonesians for the Indonesian genocide yet it’s worshiped as the grand Pooh-Bah of corporate global dominance. It wanders through the halls of power stinking of stale flesh and sulfur: The Bilderberg Group, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Heritage Foundation, The Cato Institute, The International Institute of Strategic Studies, The Hoover Institution. It's words come slowly for the true believers as it ponders how many more it can drag with it to hell.”

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