Thursday, October 30, 2008

   Suddenly Raymond appeared out of nowhere and dropped down from a ruined column. His tail wrapped around it holding him in midair above us  His green scales flashed in anger. The bilious sons of bitches rode straight on. Crazed smiles stretched across their faces. Their eyes were wide open with bloated pride. Their flinty hearts were hot with the anticipation of immanent bloodletting. They were good. They were strong. They were angry servants of an angry god.
   Raymond’s jaws snapped open and slammed shut. The sound of spurting blood and crunching bone filled our ears. The camels fell to the ground, righted themselves and bolted. The harpies gasped their last blood gurgling breath as Raymond’s teeth sliced them to ribbons, yet he had cut us loose with the dexterity of a surgeon. We fell to the ground with severed hands still clutching us.

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