Thursday, October 30, 2008

   Pat and Nanette got to their feet and stared at the hand gripping their tails. I pulled frantically at the hand frozen in a death grip around my wrist. Raymond sidled up to us and purred. “Please don’t bother to thank me. Your kidnappers tasted wonderful. Bigotry and intolerance are like salt and pepper on human flesh, mm, delicious. As I was trying to tell you before you walked off in a huff, the scum of the earth is looking for you. Searching for the truth can be dangerous. Finding it can be very dangerous. Telling others what you have found is usually fatal. The world is run by thugs. Thugs have turned the teachings of the prophets into religion to terrorize the world and the teachings of patriots into propaganda to control it. Thugs turn us on each other to detract us from their dirty business, a secret business of thievery, murder and rape. Most children are trained to think in a straight line, eyes straight aheadto to keep them in line the rest of their lives. ‘Glory to the fatherland. Glory to the motherland. Glory to the church. Glory to money.’ Thugs fear more than anything else an independent mind, a mind without blinders. You pissed off the Doctor. You’re dangerous. Oh, and please don’t throw those hands away. I'm having a dinner party tonight and they’ll make a delightful Amuse Bouche.”

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